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12 marzo 2012

The liberalization of railway transport in Europe has paved the way to promote competition in this sector. The objective of this workshop is to analyze the role of competition in the provision of passenger and freight services according to available evidence. The main issues will be debated through the presentation of three academic papers followed by a round table with the participation of representatives of different economic agents with presence in these markets.


9.00 - 09.30 - Welcome
Anna Matas (IEB, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) and Ofelia Betancor (FEDEA, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

09.30 - 10.30 - Chris Nash (University of Leeds)
“Competition and the Provision of Rail Passenger Services”.
Discussant: Ofelia Betancor (Fedea, ULPGC)

10.30 - 11.30 - Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics)
“The Potential Impact of Open-Access on Prices and Investment: The Case of the U.S. Rail Freight Industry”
Discussant: Javier Campos (ULPGC)

11.30 - 12.00 - Coffee Break

12.00 - 13.00 - Pedro Cantos (Universidad de Valencia)
“Evaluating European Railway Deregulation Using Different Approaches”
Discussant: Javier Asensio (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

13.00 - 14.15 - Round Table
The Development of Competition in Spanish Railway Markets
Chair: Javier Campos (ULPGC)

  • Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics)
  • Juan Miguel Sánchez (CRF: Spanish Railways Regulator)
  • Juan Matías Archilla (Director of International Projects, RENFE)
  • Luis del Campo (Vice-president, Grupo Transfesa)
  • Manel Medina (Outbound Logistics Manager, SEAT)

14.15 h - Lunch


- Agenda

Contact and Registration

Registration is free of charge. To register please send your personal details (complete name, organization and email address) to Esther Gómez ( that may be contacted at:

  Phone: +34 914 350 401
  Fax: +34 915 779 575

Please note that the language of this workshop is English


Chris Nash (University of Leeds)
“Competition and the Provision of Rail Passenger Services”.
Discussant: Ofelia Betancor (Fedea, ULPGC)

Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics)
“The Potential Impact of Open-Access on Prices and Investment: The Case of the U.S. Rail Freight Industry”
Discussant: Javier Campos (ULPGC)

Pedro Cantos (Universidad de Valencia)
“Evaluating European Railway Deregulation Using Different Approaches”
Discussant: Javier Asensio (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

Round Table
The Development of Competition in Spanish Railway Markets
Chair: Javier Campos (ULPGC)

- Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Juan Miguel Sánchez (CRF: Spanish Railways Regulator)
- Juan Matías Archilla (Director of International Projects, RENFE)
- Luis del Campo (Vice-president, Grupo Transfesa)
- Manel Medina (Outbound Logistics Manager, SEAT)